Domainowner / Responsible for the content:

Dorothea Margarete Berger
Auf der Becke 17   
D-45659 Recklinghausen
[email protected]
st. Id.-Nr.: 70 652 918 637

This homepage is exclusively for non-commercial private purposes of the domain owner

All rights to the work depicted are the exclusive property of the domain owner. Any reprinting and/or copying, every download, inclusion in online services, every use in any way whatsever is only permitted with the express written consent of the domain owner.

Privacy Policy

1.  Data protection

As a website operator I take the protection of all personal data very seriously. All personal information will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the law, as explained in this Privacy Policy.

Of course, my website can be used without providing me with your personal informations. However, if at any time personal information, such as name, address or e-mail, this will be effected on a voluntary basis. I will never forward data collected by me to third parties without your specific permission.

My website does not store at all any personal information. No personal information has been stored in the past.

2.  Server log files

The site provider automatically collects and stores data in server log files, which are transmitted to me by your browser. This data included

                                                           Browser type / browser version, Operating system of the computer,

                                                           Referrer URL,

                                                           Host name of the accessing computer,

                                                           Time of the server request

These data are not personal. They are also not merged with other data sources. If I become aware of concrete indications of unlawful use, I reserve the right to verify this data retrospectively.

3.  Modification of this privacy policy

I may adjust this privacy statement at irregular intervals to comply with current legal requirementrs or to implement changes in my services, such as for example in the insertion of new offers. The new privacy policy will automatically apply to your next visit.